A Public Service Announcement


Many years ago, I was working for a Training and Development company that offered transformational seminars to the public.  A remarkable 90+% of the participants reported life-changing results.

In the face of these successes, it occurred to me that if you could bring those kinds of results into organizations there was a greater potential to serve people.  In that thinking, Momentum Consulting was born.That was over 25 years ago, and we have been on a path discovering how to bring transformational results into the organizations we serve ever since. 

We are pleased to announce our Annual Leadership Summit, to be held February 1, 2019.

 At last years’ summit, we dealt with the 8 aspects of building lasting high performing cultures. This year, we are going to present a few of the key distinctions that leaders must model to sustain high performance.

  • Developing ownership & accountability in your organization

  • Examining how "perception = reality/default listening"

  • Increasing engagement and trust by expanding your own awareness

Ownership represents a particular kind of accountability to us. We are not talking about whose name is on the title, we are talking about a specific mindset.  This mindset considers “my impact” on others equally important to the results I am paid to produce. Actively recognizing that impact affects productivity.

This means you have to start paying attention to others if you are going to improve effectiveness and engagement.  It means becoming conscious of when you are becoming the victim of external circumstances and consciously shift to owning the circumstance and acting out of that.

Paying attention to your impact on others leaves you more conscious of the belief systems you operate out of and the perceptions about others those belief systems create.

By recognizing that reality is mostly an illusion you can start to see where your reality limits you.  When you make behavioral changes out of what you discover from this practice, you can raise your performance and the effectiveness of your leadership. The more aware you become of your own blind-spots, belief systems, operating perceptions, and institute what you learn into new behaviors--the more authentic you become

More than anything else, we say, authenticity builds safety and trust. Organizations that grow safety and trust are characterized by highly engaged people. Performance is a function of behavior, and behavior is a function of environment. In an organization, that creates the culture, and growth becomes a function of awareness. These are reflective of the conversations we will be having at the 2019 annual summit.  If you see value for yourself and your organization in these ongoing conversations please be our guest February 1.

All of us at Momentum Consulting want to say thanks for being in our lives, you are an honored and appreciated part of our evolution and growth.We wish you the very best of Holidays and may 2019 be your very best year yet!



Always Serve the Customer


Create a Safe Environment