Walking into Doors & That Conversation You’re Avoiding

glass doors


Have you ever walked into a sliding glass door?

It can be startling, to say the least. That’s how I felt after a conversation with Craig Clark, our co-founder and chief strategy officer… except it wasn’t a glass door that I stumbled into; it was my humility. 

I came to him with an issue I was wrestling with regarding a client. There was a conversation looming I did not want to have, and I was looking for a way to not have it. Details aside, it was what some would call an ethical bind. There was something I wanted to happen that the client probably wouldn’t have liked. I explained the case to Craig with what I thought was neutrality. He listened with fatherly patience and then asked me a question. (Ancient coaching technique: Answer a question with another question.):

“What’s best for the client?” 

Enter contact with the sliding glass door of humility. BOOM!
I knew there was no more pleading my case; the action to take was clear. I needed to have this conversation with my client immediately, and I saw there wasn’t even an ethical bind to begin with. I just wanted my way and didn’t want to be responsible for it.

I’ve known for a long time that what looks like an ethical bind is usually someone resisting reality. 

That someone was me. Coaches need coaching too sometimes.

After a short mental tantrum, a sense of relief took over my body. There was no more wrestling, no more questioning and no more resisting. I still didn’t like what needed to be done, but my body felt a lot better. I had the conversation, and of course, it was no big deal.

Putting the client’s needs first is what this week’s fundamental is all about: ALWAYS SERVE THE CUSTOMER - Thank you, Craig, for the reminder.

I’ve since moved out of that house with the sliding glass doors, but those crazy things can be great teachers. I ran into one of those doors three times before I learned the lesson to slow down — the same lesson I needed in dealing with that mythical, ethical bind. 

Happy holidays and namaste y’all!

~ Brett


Remember our founding principle “we work in partnership,” always! In all situations do what’s best for the customer, even if it’s to our own detriment.

Momentum Consulting offers executive business coaching, top-level executive consulting, team trainings and team offsites to build and transform your business to the next level. Inquire about business consulting and leadership coaching today.


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