Practice Recovery | FOW #23

When mistakes or errors in judgement happen, “own it.” Take the necessary steps to communicate to the appropriate parties, acknowledge your accountability, and set corrective steps in motion. “Get back in the game” quickly.

Perhaps no obstacle to full engagement and high performance is so pervasive and so vexing as insecurity and low self-esteem.”-The Power of Full EngagementMoments of insecurity and questionable self-esteem are the drivers of my need to be right or even perfect. I am a rule follower by nature and when I make a mistake or have an error in judgement, I can be very hard on myself.I will spend a lot of mental anguish thinking about my mistake and harping on the undesired outcome. This gets me absolutely nowhere and stops my productivity.When I remember that making a mistake is actually part of my growth and learning, I’m able to own the mistake and the lesson that comes with it.  The next step is to talk to someone about the mistake, especially if it has impacted that person. That’s when my energy, execution, and measurable results return.

This is true in leadership and management too.

In coaching executives, I encourage leaders to be the first to own their mistakes and be transparent about them to their teams. It allows the leader to demonstrate vulnerability.Why would they do this?A leader’s vulnerability creates a culture of growth. People have more permission to step out of the box, take risks, make mistakes, learn, and know they will be given the space to grow. This accelerates results!The wisest thing for leaders to do is fess up when you make a mistake. Use it as an opportunity to re-direct, course correct, and “get back in the game”.“Sadly, the need for recovery is often viewed as evidence of weakness rather than as an integral aspect of sustained performance.”–The Power of Full EngagementHigh-performing athletes are a great example of the recovery process. A tennis player who hits the ball out of bounds, a football player who misses the perfect pass, or a baseball pitcher who walks a hitter are amazing to watch.Their ability to own the mistake and, most importantly, let it go will show up in the very next serve, pass, or pitch. If they are successful, they have recovered from the mistake.If you watch the most elite athletes in any sport, you will see how they can shake it off and come back and win. Again, the key is to own it, address it, and let it go!! We can do this in every area of life where we are seeking a powerful result.“A man who has committed a mistake and doesn’t correct it, is committing another mistake.”-ConfuciusBe bold, be brave, make mistakes and recover! Comment below and let me know how you’re doing in your recovery. Are you demonstrating vulnerability?Always in repair,Martha LynnP.S. Interested in learning more about The Power of Full Engagement? Check out the book at your local library or pick up a copy here!


Assume Positive Intent | FOW #24


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