Continuously seek to improve the impact we make


I believe that one of the true benefits of getting older (and I’ll admit the list is not long) is that every day and every person with whom we interact adds to our accumulated learning and wisdom.

That being said, I also believe that learning is not a passive process achieved solely through getting through the day and chatting with others.

Actively learning, growing and accumulating wisdom demands deliberate thoughtfulness, and this is particularly true of those of us whose job it is to serve others.

There is no “cookie cutter” approach to executive leadership coaching; we use Momentum’s unique methodology to help our clients maximize their strengths and to achieve their goals, but the coaching is dictated by each individual’s character, strengths, blind spots, challenges, skills, experience, needs, and personality.

It is incumbent on us to not only stay current on new insights into human, team and corporate dynamics but to seek out thought leadership in scores of topics which may influence our clients. Continuous learning is not a duty for me personally, it’s a passion.

Curiosity is one of my core values and I enjoy practicing it, through:

Proactive reading, listening, questioning and conversing
Thoughtful sifting, consideration, and discussion of new information
Planning as to appropriate applications

I would love to hear about any recent books, articles, talks, etc. you found thought-provoking – please email me any time!

Thoughtfully yours,


Fundamental # 26 | Continuously Seek to Improve the Impact We Make 
Always seek a breakthrough approach. Our job is to improve the lives and work of the people we serve. This path takes planning, diligence, and thoughtfulness.


the number one breakdown in any organization.


The economics of decency