
“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than a year of conversation.”  Plato

My husband has a Core Value of fun.  This means he looks to include fun in every aspect of his life. 

My philosophy has been to compartmentalize fun, which meant I was serious at work and reserved the fun for my personal life. 

What I’ve learned from observing my husband is that success is more available when fun is present. I noticed that when he is having fun running his business, everything seems to fall into place for him, his employees, and his clients. 

If we are having fun in what we are doing, we are going to be more motivated to complete the task, be more engaged, and relieve stress.

Having fun has a big influence on  employee engagement.  One client of Momentum Consulting is HCB. This organization has a strong culture of fun and the results are paying off for this very successful business. When speaking with the President, Nancy Speares, she shares that their vision with their team is finding the fun and joy in the everyday.

They have a created a team of people that are actually in charge of fun. They generate fun by hosting Taco Friday, happy hours, and most recently, watching the Women’s World Cup Soccer at the office.  Nancy and her executive team are passionate about honoring and celebrating the small things. They have discovered this is a critical path to their success.

As a result, they attract talented, creative, and hard-working employees.

HCB also focuses on acknowledging their team by naming an employee of the month that includes a wearable sash, a silly trophy, and an interview with the recipient, with unique questions that build relationships and camaraderie. It’s amazing how all the small moments of fun add up to huge productive outcomes.

Have you noticed the recent influx of game shows being aired on primetime TV? Even as adults, most people enjoy playing games. There is a physical and chemical reaction in our brains when we engage in something fun. It often leads to laughter that cause our brains to release endorphins that feel good.

The work people do can be serious, critical, and in some industries, life-saving. There are high stakes involved and require people to be fully present and skilled. When we have moments of fun, it helps clear our brains, re-energize, and create even better results.

What are you doing to have fun? If you’re a leader, put onyour fun hat and lead by example.

I would love to hear about all the fun you’re having! Share your ideas with us!

In the meantime, keep playing!

Martha Lynn

Fundamental #10: KEEP THINGS FUN The problems that face us day to day at work are small compared to the challenges facing most of the world.  Keep your perspective and don’t take things personally or yourself too seriously.  Laugh every day with others.


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