Overcoming the Post-Vacation Blues: How a Simple Morning Transformed My Outlook

Photo by Marlene Clark

After having just returned from a very cool retreat in France, this past Sunday morning I woke up feeling lethargic and a bit down, impacted by the mind-numbing heat here in Austin. This trip had been a soul-restoring, heart-elevating, deep dive in a beautiful pastoral and pleasant retreat setting with Soul Mentorship Coach, Aline Hanle.

I felt so much gratitude for this nurturing experience I’d just been through, combining meditation, group study in the salon, explorational outings, followed by lunches, dinners, and wine on the veranda.

Back in Austin that morning, I could not seem to get myself up for my usual early Barton Springs swim. Without it, I was slowly sinking into a pit of despair and questioning why on Earth I live where I live. I indulged in this inner dialogue for way longer than I’m willing to admit.

Finally, a very small distinct voice said,

“Just do SOMETHING. Anything. I don’t care what it is. Just stop the pity party. Enough is enough.”

Okay. So I rode my bike up and down the street—I felt like a dork—but it worked. Then I rolled out my mat and played around on the floor (some call that yoga). And that felt so good that I went back outside (yes, in this heat) and soaked up some sun rays—without one bit of internal complaining. And then I topped it all off with a refreshing cold outdoor shower. I felt like a million bucks. Like I was back in the Dordogne Valley sipping the regional Bergerac, having profound conversations about our soul journeys. I was restored. Life was beautiful.

Martha Lynn Mangum would call this a 3-foot ring toss. Don’t try to solve it all. Just start with a 3-foot ring toss and go from there. It made me smile when I thought of this because it’s so true. It doesn’t take much; it just takes something. Anything other than the miserable direction I was headed.

Over the past few years, as it’s gotten hotter and hotter, Craig and I have seriously considered relocating. We even decided to put our home on Airbnb to help fund our adventures in exploring possible locations for the next chapter of our lives. Interestingly enough, recently we both admitted to each other that we really didn’t want to leave this magical place we call home. So I believe we will keep a cool attitude towards the changes happening in our world and focus on what we love about where we are.

How well are you doing with catching yourself heading toward the pit of doom? You can borrow my 3-foot ring toss kit anytime. I promise it’s the best game in town.

With warmest regards ;-)  


Fundamental of the Week #10: KEEP THINGS FUN

Our day-to-day work problems are small compared to those facing most of the world. Laugh every day; don’t take things too seriously.

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